Nuclear Fallout

Reality and Identity in Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams

What is a dream? Some might call it a reflection of one's subconscious. Others might call it a deep seeded…

4 weeks ago

‘The Day’: Best Post-Apocalyptic Movies of All Time

"The Day" is the newest post-apocalyptic movie that is sure to become a cult hit. Post-apocalyptic films look at life…

1 month ago

Bones, Bones, Catacombs: Paris Underground

You creep down the dank, dimly lit corridor as goosebumps tickle the back of your neck. There is no turning…

4 months ago

Are New Nuclear Power Plants a Good Idea?

We all have a tendency to put a spin on things that agree with our personal point of view, also…

3 years ago

The Top Ten Villains of the Hulk

Bruce Banner's alter ego has run into some dangerous, powerful villains over the years. Hulk's Rogues Gallery features all manner…

4 years ago

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