Natural Therapy

Urine Therapy: Shivambu Medicinal Tonic Provides Natural Therapy

In episode number seventy four of the hit television show "Friends" titled "The One With the Jellyfish," Monica (Courtney Cox)…

3 weeks ago

Natural Treatments for Melancholy

Do you sense that you are disheartened or dejected? Do you ever comprehend that there is something you could do…

1 month ago

Sleep Apnea Pillow Recommendations

As a person with mild sleep apnea myself, I know the difficulties one can have in finding a product that…

2 years ago

Moisturizers that Reduce Stretch Marks: Do They Really Work?

Stretch marks affect millions of women of all skin types at some point in their lives, and are usually associated…

2 years ago

How Effective Are Detox Diets?

We have heard of many popular detox diets that many swear work - from the Lemon Detox, Master Cleanse, Fat…

2 years ago

Cure for Cancer, Only a Fruit Away?

Kudos to the Rain Forests of the Amazon! I am back on the saddle, investigating the amazing Graviola fruit tree…

3 years ago

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