
Jason and the Argonauts: An Enduring Myth

The tale of Jason and the Argonauts has been told roughly since the time of Homer. The myth itself comes…

5 days ago

Infamous Moms from Greek Mythology

When you think of Mother's Day, what comes to mind? Rosy babies nestled in mom's loving arms? Lovely bouquets in…

2 months ago

Summary of Euripides’ “Medea”

Major Characters Medea- princess of Colchis and wife of Jason Jason- son of Aeson, King of Iolcus Creon- King of…

2 months ago

National Grouch Day is October 15, 2009

Stay home and be miserable. This is the day not to celebrate. Draw your curtains and stay inside. It's National…

2 months ago

Summary of Euripides’ Medea

This play is about Medea's revenge on her lover, Jason, for choosing to marry another woman and leaving her to…

4 months ago

Comparative Essay: Medea and Antigone

There is a popular saying that claims, "well behaved women do not make history." Though not necessarily true, it does…

7 months ago

Accountability in Euripedes’ Medea

Draconian law (developed in the eighth century B.C. by the notorious Draco) made death the penalty for the smallest of…

2 years ago

Theogony” by Hesiod

Literature and art are replete with allusions to Greek mythology. For example, a painting of Botticelli depicts the birth of…

3 years ago

Medea: Seneca Vs. Euripedes

Euripides' Medea and Seneca's Medea differ in many aspects. The one aspect that is more crucial than the others, and…

3 years ago

Beloved by Toni Morrison – a Book Review

Beloved, written by Toni Morrison and published in 1987, won the Pulitzer Prize and loosely follows the story of escaped…

3 years ago

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