
Why Everyone Should Get CPR Certified

Every day there are stories about somebody keeling over from a sudden heart attack, a child choking on a small…

1 month ago

Five Tips for Live Mannequin Modeling

Manufacturers, designers, and department stores have millions of methods for marketing their clothes. While fashion shows are one way that…

3 years ago

Five Ways to Look like a Model

Have people ever come up to you and asked if you were a model? If not, would you like for…

3 years ago

Fashion Tomato

Fashion Tomato is a small boutique with two locations just a few doors down from one another (they each sell…

3 years ago

Simply Vera: Vera Wang’s New Line Available at Kohl’s

Vera Wang's new line Simply Vera puts Vera's designs - previously reserved for the red-carpet-walking glitterati - within reach of…

4 years ago

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