Articles for tag: Death Benefits, Loss of a Parent

Karla News

My Husband is an Adult Orphan

Recently my husband lost his mother unexpectedly. About ten years prior, he lost his father after a long illness. In the past month since my mother in-law’s passing, I have noticed that my husband seems depressed. He is the type that never complains or lets his emotions show, but it is very noticeable. It is ...

Karla News

Orphaned as an Adult: Coping and Growing

When most people think about an orphan, the image that comes to mind is, more often than not, that of a young child with no loving parent available to comfort it. Images of Victorian orphan ‘asylums’ (and worse) are conjured. We see children whose parents have died or abandoned them. A second thought might remind ...

Theories on Depression

Possibly one of the worst blows an individual’s personality can suffer is that of the development of depression. I will first describe the consequences of depression, then go through processes by which depression occurs, and finally explain the role of psychological control, schemas, and self-discrepancies on depression. The consequence of depression consists of symptoms which ...