Loch Ness Monster

Do Plesiosaurs Still Exist?

The plesiosaur is a large, aquatic reptile that lived at the time of the dinosaurs and is said to have…

3 months ago

Did the Loch Ness Monster Have a Baby? Do You Believe?

Does the Loch Ness Monster really exist? The mystery intensifies. Many people don't believe in Loch Ness Nessie and Chessie,…

4 months ago

Twitching Calf Muscle: When to Worry

Is a twitching calf muscle keeping you up all night with anxiety over the worst possible scenario: ALS? Have you…

4 months ago

The Great Loch Ness Monster

Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia has delighted guests for over 35 years. It holds the record for being voted the…

3 years ago

Cadborosaurus: The Loch Ness Monster of the Pacific Ocean

In the northern waters of the Pacific, on the western coast of North America, there have been sightings of a…

3 years ago

The Strange Creatures of Cryptozoology

Literally translated, cryptozoology is the study of hidden animals. However, most mainstream scientists consider the majority of creatures that interest…

3 years ago

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