Literary Criticism

Response to Literary Criticism for The Grapes of Wrath

In Ashley's critique of "The Grapes of Wrath," he states that Steinbeck's greatest work finally suited his greatest limitation, that…

3 months ago

Antigone: Characters and Plot

In the article Character and Plot in the Antigone by Norman W. DeWitt, he argues that Antigone is manifested as…

4 months ago

Writing a Literary Term Paper Using Marxist Criticism: What You Need to Know

If you are college student, at some point you may be called upon to write an English term paper utilizing…

8 months ago

Ecocriticism: The Newest School of Literary Criticism

Students of literature know all about the different schools of criticism. However, most people outside the field hear "literary criticism"…

8 months ago

T.S. Eliot: The Modern Poet

Even if you have never read a poem by T.S. Eliot you will have read something influenced by him. He…

2 years ago

Interchangeable Greek Words and Phrases in Modern English

"Kyrie, it is Zeus' anathema on our epoch for the dynamism of our economies and the heresy of our economic…

3 years ago

Once Upon a Midnight Dreary!

Edgar Allan Poe was the master of horror and suspense. As a fan of modern to ancient poetry, I've read…

4 years ago

Philip Larkin Literary Criticism

The hands of many serious poets graced pages of paper over the centuries. Their use of formal words convey universal…

4 years ago

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