Leopard Geckos

Leopard Geckos Make Great Pets

Have you ever considered keeping a lizard for a pet, but didn't know where to start? Leopard geckos are generally…

2 weeks ago

How to Feed Your Leopard Gecko

If you're a new Leopard Gecko owner, congratulations! Leopard Geckos are one of the most docile, colorful and intriguing reptile…

2 weeks ago

New Caledonian Crested Gecko Breeding

I would not recommend breeding crested geckos to the beginner. They are the first reptile I have bred and even…

3 weeks ago

Force Feeding Leopard Geckos

Unfortunately, sometimes, when a gecko is not eating, or is at the tail end of it's life, you have to…

1 month ago

The Best Reptile Pets for Kids

Kids have always craved pets, and parents have always contemplated whether their child is responsible enough for a pet. It's…

8 months ago

Top Five Lizards for Kids

Lizards can make great first pets for children who like their pets cold blooded and scaly. However, not every lizard…

2 years ago

The Perfect Exotic Pets for Kids

Are you searching for an ideal pet for your kids? While the customary cat or dog can both be excellent…

3 years ago

The Carrot Tail Leopard Gecko

In the late 1970s when leopard geckos that were caught in the wild were being imported into the United States…

4 years ago

Creating a Habitat for Your Pet Leopard Gecko

If you're thinking of keeping a leopard gecko as a pet, you'll want to make sure you have a good…

4 years ago

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