Janet Leigh

Will Scarlett Johansson’s Nude Scene Buzz Outshine ‘Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho?’

The big news out of Hollywood is not the upcoming movie, "Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho," but rather…

3 weeks ago

Top 6 Greatest Film Moments in Bras

Bras are perhaps one of the most important things that a woman wears every day (unless she's flat chested; then…

3 years ago

The Mother of All Mother’s Day Quizzes

It is a Mother's Day tradition to take your mom to brunch. It is also traditional that after the third…

4 years ago

Alfred Hitchcock’s “Frenzy”

Alfred Hitchcock is responsible for an amazing body of work in the genre of suspense, generating fear and thrills in…

4 years ago

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