Articles for tag: Building Toys, Hooky, Lego

Karla News

Lego Sets for Girls Spark Controversy

Lego released an ambitious new line of building kits specifically designed for girls, called Lego Friends. The painstakingly detailed micro-universe include characters with backstories, fashion accessories, and sets designed to reflect things that interest girls such as a horse academy, salon, and a cafe. When I first saw the sets I rolled my eyes and ...

Karla News

Excuses that Will Get You Out of Anything

Need an excuse to get out of something? That’s okay, I’m not here to judge. We all need a few days off every once in a while. The only bad thing about skipping work or school is the questions that follow after. If you’re wondering how to get around this, worry no more. Just use ...

Karla News

Top 5 Reasons to Play Hooky from Work

There are so many reasons out there not to head into work for the day. Of course the overwhelming reason to ignore all of these is to go make some money and be able to pay some bills. In this day of being a workaholic and not taking time for one’s self it is important ...