
Hitler and the Scapegoated Jews

On April 12, 1921, a speech was delivered to the Nazi Party and a crowd of common folk who already…

4 weeks ago

Some Thoughts on Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer

"I would have sold my soul like Faust" "in the final analysis I myself determined the degree of my isolation,…

1 month ago

1984, Big Brother Vs. Adolf Hitler

1984 is a book about a corrupt leader who resembles a big government. George Orwell the author of the book…

3 months ago

World War II: Three Dictators

Benito Mussolini, born July 29, 1883 in Predappio, Italy, was raised in a socialist form of government (Mussolini, Benito, 2006).…

3 months ago

Causes of the Holocaust

The Holocaust was a very horrific time for the Jewish people of Europe and the world. Adolf Hitler, dictator of…

4 months ago

Harry Potter: A Strikingly Accurate Allegory of World War II

J.K. Rowling uses the Harry Potter series and, more specifically, the last book as an historical allegory for the World…

4 months ago

A Review of Sir Ian Kershaw’s Biography of Hitler

Historians often ask themselves how history might have developed differently without particularly important people like Alexander the Great, Karl Marx,…

7 months ago

Mein Kampf: What Can Be Learned from the Words of Adolf Hitler

Monsters don't usually write autobiographies, not ones that are reasonably accurate anyway. Adolf Hitler did. Adolf Hitler dictated Mein Kampf…

4 years ago

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