History of Art

Review: The Child’s Bath by Mary Cassatt

Mary Cassatt's The Child's Bath is an oil painting on canvas. It portrays a mother taking care of her child's…

2 months ago

Top 10 Things to Do in Williamstown, Massachusetts

You may or may not have heard of the little town located in the northwest corner of Massachusetts called Williamstown.…

3 months ago

Simplicity and Structure: The International Style in Architecture

The International Style in architecture was inspired by mechanical simplicity and structure. It borrowed from Mondrian's principles of dynamic equilibrium,…

4 months ago

Enlightenment Movement Spurred by the American and French Revolutions

Introduction Spurred by the American and French Revolutions, enlightenment was an era of new and modern forms of thought and…

9 months ago

Why Chinese Painting is History

Why is Chinese painting history? In June 2003, Wen C. Fong wrote a paper to answer this question and why…

2 years ago

Art Deco Architecture: The Roots and History of Art Deco Influences

Art Deco is a lavish, unique style of architecture, décor and design. It seems to have originated from many, many…

3 years ago

The Baroque Style of Art Marked the End of the Renaissance

As the Renaissance waned in Europe, the Counter Reformation had finally run its course. The struggle for power and dominance…

3 years ago

17th Century Artists: Borromini, Bernini, and Caravaggio

Introduction During the 17th century, artists really tried to manipulate their viewer by using new techniques and controversial themes.� The…

3 years ago

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