Gunpowder Plot

Phrase Origins: Trick or Treat

Every October 31st, it's a phrase people are familiar hearing. Some people only hear it on television while others let…

5 days ago

How to Write Dueling Plot Lines in Your Stories

A plot line is the plot of the story, that is, the flow of the story. Now, most books that…

1 month ago

How to Buy a Family Burial Plot

Cemeteries are not something we think about until after a loved one has died and some decisions have to be…

3 years ago

Aristotle’s Definition of Tragedy in The Poetics of Aristotle

In The Poetics of Aristotle, translated by Preston H. Epps, tragedy is defined as "an imitation, through action rather than…

3 years ago

Macbeth Defeated by Siward, 1054

Yes, there was a real Macbeth. His full name was Mac Bhetha mac Fhionnlaigh, and he was sometimes called Ri…

4 years ago

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