Green Thumb

Vegetable Gardening in Ohio: Clay Dirt Makes Gardening a Challenge

Vegetable gardening in Ohio can prove to be quite a task. Even for those who have a green thumb fighting…

4 months ago

Consumer’s Guide: Best Coil Garden Hoses

A hose is an essential tool for every homeowner. It is something you will use to water your lawn &…

3 years ago

Easy to Care for Houseplants

My mom was always bringing home beautiful houseplants, only to tote them out to the curb a month later. To…

3 years ago

Five of the Easiest-to-Grow Flowers for Those Lacking a Green Thumb

If your green thumb is lacking but you would still like to try your hand at creating a flower bed…

4 years ago

Review: Green Thumb 50′, Soil Soaker Hose

For Mother's Day my husband enlarged my kitchen garden and tilled another three areas for herb gardens. I now have…

4 years ago

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