Greek Tragedy

Willy Loman & Oedipus – Tragic Heroes?

Oedipus is perhaps one of the foundations of Greek tragedy writing, but he also comes with controversy. Despite the timing…

4 months ago

Is Death of a Salesman a Tragedy?

Critics have hotly debated the question of whether Willy Loman is a tragic hero or whether Death of a Salesman…

3 years ago

Thoughts of Antigone, the Greek Tragedy Play

In the Greek tragedy "Antigone," Sophocles tells the tale of a good woman whose loyalty to divine law unfortunately equates…

4 years ago

Sophocles:The Tragedy and Triumph of Oedipus the King

Sophocles' tragedy "Oedipus the King" is considered by most to be the greatest tragedy ever written. Even in his own…

4 years ago

The History of Opera: How Did Opera Get Started?

Opera is one of the more popular and accesible forms of classical music. An opera is a theatrical presentation in…

4 years ago

A Review of Sophocles Greek Tragedy Antigone

In 441 B.C. a well known playwright by the name Sophocles wrote the Greek tragedy entitled Antigone. Sophocles was an…

4 years ago

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