Great Pyrenees

All About the Breed: Catalan Sheepdog

Also known as the Catalonian Shepherd, Gos d'Atura Catala, Perro de Pastor Calatan, and the Catalonian Sheepdog, the Catalan Sheepdog…

3 weeks ago

Most Popular Female Dog Names

A name is probably the most important thing one will be given in life. It is a large part of…

9 months ago

All About the Breed: King Shepherd

The King Shepherd is an intelligent, obedient, and friendly breed. But how do you know whether you are ready to…

9 months ago

Groundhog Invasion Turns Mild Mannered Mom into Desperate Killer

Groundhogs are driving me crazy. When my Great Pyrenees died, I knew the coyotes would eventually realize my protector had…

2 years ago

Causes of Excessive Drooling in Dogs

Dog saliva or drool is often clear or watery in color, but can be white, depending on the individual dog.…

2 years ago

Tips on Grooming a Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees is a beautiful and majestic dog. Known as the "Gentle Giant," these large breed dogs are favored…

2 years ago

Best Outdoor Dog Breeds

Dogs have either lived outdoors or indoors over the years. Many dog breeds are best suited indoors while others are…

3 years ago

Best Breeds for Guard Dogs

There are many factors that should go into how you choose the dog you are entrusting your safety with. Some…

4 years ago

The Best Giant Guard Dog Breeds

If you need a dog to protect and watch over your property, your best bet is to go with the…

4 years ago

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