
How Germs Spread and Infect Others

The flu, like any other illness, starts when tiny, microscopic particles called germs enter our systems. Germs come in many…

2 weeks ago

Most Common Germs Found in Your Home

You may think it is just you, your spouse, the kids, and the family dog living in your home. But,…

3 months ago

The Hygiene Council Shows the Home is More Contaminated Than Most Public Places

Some germs are good and some germs are bad, but let's face it: germs are here to stay, and they…

5 months ago

Your Best Way to Stay Healthy and Avoid Sickness: Wash Your Hands!

As Americans, we spend billions on antibacterial soaps, disinfectant sprays and wipes, not to mention all the cold and flu…

2 years ago

Introduction to Germs: A Kindergarten Health Lesson

Use these guidelines to teach the students: Ask student the question "What are germs?" Give them a chance to answer…

4 years ago

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