
Genocide – One of the Most Horrific Problems Facing Our World

In a country where we can often here heartfelt complaints regarding the interruption of television broadcasts and truly crushing problems…

1 week ago

Remembering April 24th: The Armenian Genocide

COMMENTARY | Some of you may know a little world history or at least remember the history surrounding the Holocaust…

9 months ago

Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia

Starting in 1991, 46 years after the Holocaust in Nazi Germany was revealed to the world, ethnic cleansing happened again…

9 months ago

Cambodian Refugees and the Effects of Surviving Genocide

Due to the actions of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, almost one-fourth of the country's population died while many more…

2 years ago

The Causes of the Darfur Genocide

Three days ago, Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir, president of Sudan, was charged with the the horrifying crime of genocide, by…

4 years ago

Biography of Omar Al-Bashir – President of Sudan

Omar al-Bashir is the current president of the African country of Sudan. He has been the president through the end…

4 years ago

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