Female Orgasm

Experience the Ultimate Orgasm

Question: I've never experienced having an orgasm from a man and want to know what I can do. I've tried…

3 weeks ago

Increasing Your Chances of Conception

I would like to share some very helpful bits of advice for those trying to increase their chances of conception.…

3 months ago

Want to Make a Baby Girl or Boy? Try These Lovemaking Tricks

By now you may have heard about the new technology in which doctors can help you determine the sex of…

2 years ago

Coming Soon (1999) – a Movie Review

Coming Soon revolves around three female high school seniors and their quest to have the elusive female orgasm. Bonnie Root…

2 years ago

Can I Use My Epi-Pen While Pregnant?

Epinephrine is a life-saving medication prescribed to people with anaphylactic allergic reactions. While anaphylaxis is commonly associated with food allergies,…

4 years ago

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