Articles for tag: Diet Soft Drinks, Exercise and Weight Loss, Over Weight

Karla News

Walk Vest to Lose Weight: Is the Xvest the Answer?

There are thousands of exercise and weight loss programs that for a fee basically guarantee they are your ticket to thinness. If you buy this or buy that exercise equipment you will use weight. So how well do they work? If you walk religiously everyday in the Xvest you will lose weight. The Xvest is ...

Lose 10 Pounds Safely Within 3 Weeks Without Pills

The temptation to overindulge during the holiday season has its consequences, which for many is the resolution to shed extra pounds quickly or begin a serious weight-loss regimen. Yet, there are so many diets to choose from, so many people touting the same thing, that a novice can easily become mired in indecision, or worse ...

Karla News

The Secret to Successful Weight Loss

As I sit here, trying to formulate some sort of clever introduction, I am reminded of my former boss, Todd, who would frequently walk into the lunch room with a single apple, a granola bar, or a miniature frozen meal and watch in envy as the people around him consume their oh-so-yummy lunches. He would ...

Best Exercises for Obese, Older Adults

Being old and obese is no excuse for avoiding exercise. However, considerations must be made in terms of what kind of exercise is best for the older, obese person. I’m a certified personal trainer, and Wake Forest University has recently announced results of a study: Walking may be the best exercise for this special population. ...