Articles for tag: Child Support, Emancipation

Karla News

Will You Have to Pay Child Support If Your Child is Emancipated?

Child support becomes a complicated issue when your child is emancipated, especially since your legal obligations don’t automatically stop. If you’ve been paying child support to your ex-spouse for your child and he or she becomes emancipated, you will need to petition the courts to terminate child support. The exact procedure varies depending on the ...

Karla News

Emancipation of Minors

They come home from a long day of work, do the dishes, sign some papers, take out the trash, pay the bills, make a trip to the grocery store, come home, make dinner and finally fall asleep at 2 a.m. only to wake up the next day and do it all over again. This may ...

Karla News

Thomas Jefferson: Leader, Intellectual, Hypocrite

Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States of America, was an intellectual giant. Today he is an iconic figure in American history; even elementary school students know him as the author of the Declaration of Independence. In addition to writing, Jefferson was also skilled in science, architecture, law, and politics.[1] For a man to ...