Electric Blanket

Hook an Electric Blanket or Mattress Pad Up to a Timer

I purchased heated mattress pads and electric blankets for my family to reduce our energy usage and so we could…

9 months ago

Review of the Westpoint Stevens Electric Blanket

Evenings in Alaska can get chilly, even during the summer months. A year ago my husband and I purchased a…

2 years ago

Product Review: Tempurpedic Mattress

The Tempurpedic bed is touted as "the first step toward a better night's sleep" by the Tempurpedic company. Their mattresses…

2 years ago

Top Electric Blankets

What is the main reason people dread the winter season? The cold! You may be one of the people who…

3 years ago

10 Hot Flash Triggers

They don't last long, and they're not life-threatening, but they're annoying and uncomfortable. The face reddens and the skin becomes…

4 years ago

DIY: Install a Heated Ceramic Floor

Over the last few years, the option of a heated ceramic floor in your home has become a must in…

4 years ago

How to Wash an Electric Blanket

When you live in a cold, draughty house, an electric blanket allows you to sleep warm at night, even with…

4 years ago

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