Cataract Surgery: What to Expect

Cataract surgery is performed every day. It is not considered a complicated surgery. But it is a surgery that must…

2 months ago

What Does an EKG Do?

An electrocardiogram-normally called an EKG or ECG-is a test that measures the electrical activity of your heart and it gives…

4 months ago

Non-Cardiac Causes of Chest Pain

One of the most frequent causes of chest pain that can be very uncomfortable and scary is costochondritis. This is…

7 months ago

Accuracy of Treadmill Stress Test for Women’s Heart Disease

If you've always imagined that all a woman needs to do, to find out if she has clogged coronary arteries…

2 years ago

Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs)

Premature ventricular contractions are called PVC's, and they are abnormal heartbeats that originate in one of the two ventricles (the…

3 years ago

Sotalol Side Effects and Complications

Sotalol, also known as Betapace can be a wonderful drug. It can help lower your heart rate, help with your…

4 years ago

An EchoCardiogram: What is it and What Does it Do?

I am continuing my set of articles on recent medical tests for heart issues. I am hoping that this might…

4 years ago

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