
Deontological Vs. Teleological Ethical Systems in Criminal Justice

Deontological vs. Teleological Ethical Systems Deontological ethical systems are concerned with the nature of an action that is being judged.…

1 month ago

Functionalist Definitions and Typologies of Anomie

Though Emile Durkheim and Robert K. Merton are two of the most influential theorists in the Functionalist school of sociological…

9 months ago

Psychological and Ethical Egoism

Egoism is the theory that ones self is, or should be, the motivation of ones actions. There are two main…

4 years ago

2012 Mayan Calendar Prophecy: Does Galactic Alignment Mean End of the World?

The Galactic Alignment: Will the end of the world come on December 12, 2012? Some people fear this date because…

4 years ago

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