Don Giovanni

A Biography of George F. Handel

First Part Halle - Hamburg - Rome 1690-1712 It's hard today to speak about Handel's life and works without mentioning…

2 weeks ago

Amadeus (Movie Review)

Through the dark, blizzard-swept streets of early nineteenth century Vienna, the plaintive cry of a tortured soul pierces the snow-riven…

2 weeks ago

Amadeus 1984 Movie Review

Amadeus is a biographical film about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. It came out in 1984. The movie is 160 minutes and…

3 months ago

Changes in Musical Style: The Baroque Era to the Classical Era of Music History

During both the Baroque and Classical eras, music was being written in a lot of the same genres (opera, oratorio,…

2 years ago

Viva Mozart: – Smorg’s 5 Favorite Mozart Arias

In The Mood For Mozart: Smorg's 10 Favorite Mozart Arias Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1740 - 1779) was a marvelously versatile…

3 years ago

A Chronicle of Mozart’s Visits to Prague

Most casual listeners of Mozart know that he was from Salzburg, Austria, and that he moved to Vienna as a…

3 years ago

Opera 101, Part 3: the Male Voices

In a previous article I discussed the various female operatic voice types. It is now time to talk about the…

4 years ago

Analysis: Mozart’s Don Giovanni Opera

Mozart is perhaps the most renown composer of all time. In his opera "Don Giovanni" Mozart weaves a tale of…

4 years ago

Popular Royalty-free Classical Music Composers

In the world of popular royalty free classical music the following famous composers' musical works certainly rank at the top.…

4 years ago

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