Articles for tag: Bowels, Digestion

Have a Happy Bowel Movement!

Most people don’t take the time to check out their stools when they have a bowel movement, and yes, it’s gross, but necessary as well. The color, size, and shape of your stool can be telling you a lot about yourself, and your bum may be telling you it wants a healthy poop already! If ...

What to Do About Stomach Acid

The holidays are a time that some people might associate with heartburn, gas, acid reflux, and other types of stomach upsets. You could stock up on Rolaids, Tums, or Alka-Seltzer for your family and guests, or you could read this article to learn why you need stomach acid, and how to make it work for ...

Karla News

Best Dog Food Ingredients for Healthy Digestion

Similar to humans, a dog’s digestive system begins in the mouth and ends with the large intestine and the elimination of waste. The quality of the food a dog eats determines how well the process of digestion will be carried out, and what could go wrong along the way. As a dog owner, you may ...

Karla News

Common Infant Digestion Problems

Infants are interesting little things. They aren’t able to let you know what is going on if there is a problem, so as a new parent, you have to use their signals to figure it out. It can be challenging and frustrating, but when it comes to digestion problems, there are a couple common problems ...

Karla News

10 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Digestive System

We often take for granted the value of the vital organs that aid our digestion. Before, I only followed one rule: avoid foods that upset my stomach. But later on, I learned that it’s more than that. The proper and healthy function of our digestive system, which include the liver and pancreas, is determined by ...

Karla News

Common Herbs that Aid Digestion and Promote Good Health

Today, more and more Americans are pulling away from their fast food diets and pill popping medications to go back in time to the Eastern medicinal benefits of herbs and plants. Most of today’s modern medicine is manufactured from natural plant parts anyway, so it makes sense that using the right herbs in cooking can ...

Karla News

Lack of Appetite in Horses

“He just doesn’t like to eat very much. Just the way he is. Nothing wrong with him though.” I cringe whenever I hear a comment like this about a horse. To me this is a flashing neon sign screaming something is wrong. Horses are designed to spend 18 to 20 hours a day eating. So ...

Karla News

Understanding Your Dog’s Digestion

Even though our dogs aren’t able to tell us when they have an upset stomach, it happens more often than we might think. Their digestive systems are intricate and complex, and unlike their wild ancestors, they depend on us for healthy diets to keep everything in balance. Regardless of how hard we try, there are ...