Developmental Delays

B12 and Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder that can affect a child's social, cognitive and emotional development. The symptoms of autism may…

4 days ago

So Your Baby Failed the Hearing Test? Don’t Panic, Get a Follow-Up!

As a newborn hearing screener, I occasionally have to give parents the news that their baby didn't pass. However, I'm…

2 months ago

Raising A Child With Developmental Delays

Parenthood in and of it self is challenging but when you have a child with developmental delays, it's even more…

4 months ago

10 Things You Should Avoid While Pregnant

10 Things You Should Avoid While Pregnant 1. Alcohol-There is no known safe level of alcohol for a developing fetus.…

4 months ago

What is Cohen Syndrome?

Cohen syndrome is a genetic disorder present at birth. Many parents of children with this condition are more frustrated by…

4 years ago

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