
Visit the The Lucille Ball Desi Arnaz Center in Jamestown, New York

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit Lucille Ball's hometown, Jamestown, New York. This older city boasts of their Lucy…

1 month ago

Choose an Unusual Wedding Venue in the Niagara Falls New York Area

For those in the Niagara Falls area of Western New York who want to have a wedding a bit different…

6 months ago

Jamestown, New York – Once a Thriving Furniture-manufacturing City

Jamestown was once called the "Furniture Capital of the World." Sadly, much of this once-lucrative industry has fallen on hard…

2 years ago

The Lucy Desi Comedy Hour is Finally Available on DVD

After season 6 of the I Love Lucy series, Desilu changed the format of the show to an hour long…

3 years ago

Lucille Ball: Top Comedian of All Time

America still loves Lucy. Decades after the famous red head helped make television popular, she is still going strong on…

3 years ago

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