Crime Criminal Justice

How Software is Used for Crime Scene Analysis

Computers aren't just for Wall Street traders and web site designers, and are in fact used by many areas of…

1 day ago

Criminology Essay

Criminology Essays 1. Provide an argument for the death penalty using rational choice/deterrence theory. Rational choice theory depends on the…

1 month ago

Preserving an Outdoor Crime Scene

It is notoriously difficult for law enforcement personnel, crime scene technicians and the medical examiner to preserve an outdoor crime…

4 months ago

Odd Jobs: Crime-Scene Cleaner

If you are a fan of one of the popular crimes shows on television like CSI or LAW & ORDER,…

5 months ago

Reconstructing a Crime Scene

A good way to generate new avenues of an investigation that has come to an impasse is to use crime…

5 months ago

Inchoate Crimes in Criminal Law

In the United States, there are two ways that you can be charged with a crime. One way occurs when…

2 years ago

Does Organized Crime Exist in Las Vegas?

As a regular writer of Las Vegas articles, I am often asked if I believe that there is still a…

3 years ago

Brief History of the Mafia and Organized Crime

Organized crime has deep roots in time. The Italian mafia was founded in Italy in the 1800's, originally as a…

4 years ago

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