
What is a Pterygium and How is it Treated?

Often people who work outdoors will look into the mirror to find a small area on their eye, towards their…

2 days ago

First Aid for a Cut in the Eye

A cut in the eye, medically known as a corneal abrasion, is among the most common eye injuries that people…

2 months ago

Ocular Herpes (Herpes of the Eye)

Ocular herpes, or herpes of the eye, is caused by the Type 1 herpes virus (the same one that causes…

2 months ago

Entropion in Dogs

Entropion is a common eye condition in which the lower eyelid edges of one or both eyes roll inward. The…

7 months ago

Diseases of the Cornea

The cornea is an important part of the eye and integral to our vision. Like any other body part, it…

4 years ago

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