
The Six Native American Tribes that Dwell in New York State Are Known as the Iroquois Confederacy

Native American Tribes, familiarly called Indians, have lived in New York State since the beginning of the 15th century, almost…

1 month ago

Strengths & Weaknesses of the North and South During the Civil War

Between 1861 and 1865, the North and the South waged war against each other in what remains the bloodiest war…

4 months ago

Settling Accounts: In at the Death by Harry Turtledove

Settling Accounts: In at the Death is the eleventh and it is said the last of the long running Southern…

9 months ago

Presidential Power: Abraham Lincoln and His Unconstitutional Actions

COMMENTARY | When Abraham Lincoln was elected to the U.S. presidency in 1860, it was akin to lighting a fuse…

2 years ago

The Battle of Vicksburg: The Turning Point of the US Civil War

When people think about all of the battles fought during the United States Civil War, the most famous is the…

3 years ago

The Top Historic Tours in Richmond, VA

Richmond is home to countless historic landmarks, museums, Civil War battlefields, diverse neighborhoods and distinctive architecture. The top tours in…

3 years ago

Sons of the Confederacy a Racist Group?

Recently AC writer Jeff Musall wrote this article about Congressman Joe Wilson shouting at President Obama. In the article Jeff…

3 years ago

Revolutions of 1848 – The German Confederacy

The revolutions of 1848 is one of the most interesting series of events in world history. No other revolution in…

3 years ago

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