Classical Conditioning

Habits, Phobias, and Classical Conditioning

What are the psychological and biological factors that set the pathway for learning? The topic of learning has fascinated psychologists…

1 month ago

Factors Affecting Learning Readiness

FACTORS AFFECTING LEARNING READINESS Maturation. A child who has not reached a sufficient stage of mental and physical development when…

5 months ago

Classical and Operant Conditioning: Phobias and Addictions

Classical conditioning is a mode of training behavior where a naturally occurring environmental stimulus that produces an unconditional response is…

6 months ago

Guide to Getting Your Newborn Infant to Sleep Soundly

Handling an infant can be a daunting task for any new parent. While frequent night wakings for feedings or diaper…

3 years ago

Review of Brent Staples’ Black Men and Public Spaces

The Fear of Stereotypes The narrator, in Brent Staples' Black Men and Public Spaces, finds himself bothered by the fear…

3 years ago

Behaviorism: Uses in the Classroom

Before the cognitivist revolution of the 1960s and 70s, behaviorism was the key theory and practice utilized in educating America's…

4 years ago

Paper on Classical and Operant Conditioning

Author Ray LeBlond once said, "You learn something every day if you pay attention." Everyday, your own dog might learn…

4 years ago

Extinguishing Your Fears: A Classical Conditioning Approach

For those of you who are Star Trek fans like me you might well remember an episode entitled "The Thaw"…

4 years ago

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