Cayenne Pepper

Foods that Speed Up Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the thing that keeps your body going. Metabolism is the amount of calories your body burns to keep…

1 month ago

Cayenne – Pepper and Wonder Drug

Cayenne pepper, Capsicum frutescens, is a stimulating herb made from the dried chili peppers. Cayenne is also called chili, it…

2 months ago

Cayenne Pepper Diet Side Effects

According to National Public Radio, almost one-in-three Americans is classified as obese. Thus, nearly 72 million adults in the United…

2 months ago

Cure Yourself with Cayenne Pepper

Do you like hot, spicy foods? Cayenne Pepper is a key ingredient in many Mexican, Cajun, Creole and Indian dishes.…

3 months ago

Can Cayenne Pepper Cure Cancer?

Is there any truth to the rumor that cayenne pepper can kill cancer cells? According the American Medical Association it…

5 months ago

Southern Redfish Recipes

Redfish are a popular inshore southern saltwater species. They are also called red drum, puppy drum, and spottail bass. They…

8 months ago

Hydrogen Peroxide, Cayenne Pepper and Vinegar Can Improve Circulation

While reading research data on diabetes, I found a couple of studies that focused on improving circulation in the legs…

3 years ago

Frank’s Red Hot Cayenne Pepper Sauce Review

I'll admit it. I'm addicted to spicy foods. That's why when I stumbled upon Frank's Red Hot Cayenne Pepper Sauce…

4 years ago

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