Cat Claws

Alternatives to Declawing Your Cat or Kitten

Do you have a new cat or kitten that you're considering having declawed? Before you decide, you should read about…

1 week ago

Pros and Cons of Declawing Your Cat

Declawing, or the surgical procedure used to permanently remove a cat's claws, is an extremely controversial subject among cat owners.…

2 months ago

Make Your Kitty Litter Last Longer

Special Kitty kitty litter is perhaps among the cheapest kitty litters available for the quantity you get versus price. I…

2 years ago

Cat Behavior: Why Cats Knead

I've always had both cats and dogs and love them for their different and unique behaviors. Cats are intriguing creatures…

3 years ago

Protect Your Furniture from Dreaded Cat Claws!

You love your furniture. You love your cats. Your cats love your furniture, too. So much, in fact, that they…

4 years ago

Why Declawing Cats is Cruel and Unnecessary

What is declawing? Declawing is not just having your cat's claws trimmed, it involves having the claws surgically removed. At…

4 years ago

Cat Care Tips: How to Clip Your Cat’s Claws

Clipping your cat's claws can be a challenge. The first and the most important thing is to get the cat…

4 years ago

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