Articles for tag: Bride and Groom, Cash Gifts, Chestnuts

Karla News

Korean Wedding Ceremony in America

As a white American marrying into a Korean family, it was my duty and privilege to learn about and participate in several Korean wedding traditions. Unfortunately for me, there were so few online resources available in English. I thus became a veritable marionette in the process, not quite knowing what to do or how to ...

Karla News

How to Get on TLC’s What Not to Wear

TLC’s What Not To Wear is a huge hit with anyone who ever tunes into the cable channel TLC. Host Stacy London and Clinton Kelly complete head to toe makeovers on anyone who can figure out how to get on What Not To Wear. Guests on the show receive $5000 to spend on a new ...

Karla News

How to Budget and Save Money When You’re a Teen

At some point after getting that first job, most teenagers discover that they want to start saving money for a car or college. Reaching that goal means making up a budget and then setting aside a certain amount of money each month to go into a savings account. How is this done? With my kids ...

Karla News

Bridal Shower Gift Ideas

Nobody wants to be the one giving an engaged couple their third blender. Even with a wedding registry to guide you, purchasing just the right bridal shower gift can be a tricky task. Maybe you want something more personal than a random picking off their registry. Maybe you want to choose another more sentimental gift ...