
Martin Heidegger: Parmenides P 135 to 163

In pages 135 through 163 of Parmenides, Heidegger takes up his pursuit of the Fourth Directive presented by alethea. He…

1 week ago

An Analysis of Candide, and Voltaire’s Controversial Convictions

The world was a tumultuous place in the 1700's. Wars were fought, corruption was rampant, and a wave of philosophers…

2 weeks ago

Martin Heidegger: Parmenides, P 43-102

Heidegger begins pages 43-102 of Parmenides by continuing with his lecture on the essence of pseudos. He claims that there…

3 weeks ago

My 10 Favorite Satirical Writers, with Examples

In my personal (and anything but humble) opinion, reading and writing satire is one of the greatest pleasures known within…

4 weeks ago

Satire Within Candide

The Enlightenment, which usually is described as having taken place during the 18th century, helped to fabricate the momentum which…

1 month ago

How Portland, Oregon’s Powell’s Books Became the Most Successful Bookseller in America

With the news at the time of this writing that even ubiquitous bookseller chain Borders is having problems in America's…

2 months ago

Summary of Candide by Voltaire

Candide is a story of the forlorn misadventures of a Baron's illegitimate nephew. At an early age, he adopts an…

2 years ago

Voltaire’s Candide and Maturity

This paper is a short essay addressing the protagonist of Voltaire's conte, Candide, and his (Candide's) enlightenment to the fallacies…

2 years ago

Tone and Theme in Voltaire’s Candide

The tone and theme of Candide, a classic work of literature, make the novel relevant to today's modern world. These…

4 years ago

A History of Voltaire’s Candide

Candide, is a philosophical book by Voltaire published in Geneva in January 1759. It was reissued twenty times the lifetime…

4 years ago

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