Articles for tag: Caffeine, Caffeine Withdrawal, Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms

How to Live Through Caffeine Withdrawal

Yes, I’ll admit it. I was a “Caffeine Junkie” at one time. I worked in law enforcement. I worked long hours, double shifts, plus I had a family to take care of. Caffeine- coffee specifically- helped me stay awake when I was dead on my feet. It was the “magic elixir” that kept my exhausted ...

Karla News

5 Natural Remedies for Caffeine Withdrawal

Caffeine is an intensely addictive substance, and the painful effects of caffeine withdrawal can include headache, fatigue, muscle pain and nausea. Caffeine addictions can usually be broken in a week, but for many the caffeine withdrawal symptoms are too intense to make it through the whole week. Natural remedies for caffeine withdrawal can help make ...

Caffeine Addiction – The Short and Long Term Effects

When most people think about drugs and addictions, few place caffeine in this category. However, caffeine addiction is the number one addiction affecting millions of people. The majority of people living with caffeine addiction are unaware of this problem. Yet, if they were to miss their morning cup of coffee or soda, symptoms of caffeine ...

Raspberry Leaf Tea for Weight Loss

Organic Raspberry Leaf tea is supposed to support the “female system,” treating women with irregular menstruation and cramps. But can Raspberry Leaf tea help you lose weight? I tried drinking Raspberry Tea to lose weight and give up caffeine for my five days on a diet experiment. According to the Dr. Elliot Abravanel’s “Body Type ...

Breaking the Caffeine Addiction

It’s often difficult to think of caffeine as an addiction; after all, we don’t see public service announcements warning us against its negative effects. The truth, however, is that caffeine is just as addictive as are cigarettes and alcohol, even if we don’t realize it right away. Breaking the caffeine addiction can be painful, but ...