Articles for tag: Cactus

Karla News

Cooking with Cactus: Nopales Cactus Recipes

While strolling down the ethnic food isle at your local grocery store, you may have noticed a can or jar labeled “nopales cactus”. Unless you’ve dined in Mexico, you may have been a little confused and probably passed it up. If your local grocer carries nopales in jars, you’ve seen that they basically look like ...

Karla News

How to Grow an Indoor Cactus Plant

Growing a cactus indoors can be a difficult task, especially if you don’t care for it properly. But if you follow some simple steps, then your cactus plant should thrive in its indoor habitat. Temperature and Light – Cactus plants can withstand cold and heat, but it’s best if you keep them in a temperate ...

Karla News

Unusual Houseplants: Orchid Cactus

A neighbor once brought me a piece of some type of cactus that she had found while vacationing in Florida. I left the cactus in the paper bag and, quite frankly, forgot about it. In fact, the bag with the cactus in it sat in a corner of my front porch for two years through ...

Karla News

How to Propagate Cacti

If a cactus breaks off, what do you do? All right, after you calm down, what do you do? If the answer is to throw it away. . . Stop! Do not throw the broken piece away. Take the piece and replant it. In about a month, it will grow roots and you will have ...

Karla News

How to Make a Cactus Garden

If you’ve always wanted a garden, but don’t have the time to spend watering and weeding a flowerbed, then a cactus garden may be just the right alternative for you. Cacti require little to no water or fertilizer, are immune to insect infestation, and can be grown indoors in containers with beautiful results. To create ...