
Best Uses for Icy Hot

When it comes to pain, folks want fast acting and long lasting relief. There are so many products on the…

3 days ago

Can Young People Get Bursitis? Best Treatments

Bursitis doesn't just strike old people; the young can get it too. Bursa are the small sacs of fluid that…

2 months ago

Treatments for Bursitis of the Shoulder

When Peter returned for the third time in five years to see his orthopedic surgeon, he was finally ready to…

3 months ago

Herbal Treatments for Bursitis and Tendonitis

Bursitis is an inflammation of the fluid filled sac called the bursae. The bursae sac helps lubricate the joints where…

5 months ago

Treat Bursitis with Vitamins and Over the Counter Products

Bursitis is primarily caused by excessive use or abuse of the small enclosed sac containing the lubricating fluid between muscles,…

2 years ago

Symptoms and Treatment of Bursitis

Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa. Bursa are soft fluid-filled sacs which are found near the joints in your…

3 years ago

Neck Pillows and Neck and Shoulder Pain

Those who are tall and those with naturally longer necks are just as susceptible to neck and shoulder pain as…

3 years ago

Can Running Cause Hip Bursitis (Trochanteric)?

Runners or joggers often get hip pain, but could this be from bursitis, as in trochanteric (relating to region)? I…

3 years ago

What Causes Water on Your Knee?

What does it mean if you have water on your knee? You may have heard this expression tossed around and…

3 years ago

Olecranon Bursitis: Popeye Elbow – Are Your Upper Arms Still Large After Loosing Weight?

If you've ever tried, and lost weight only to find you still have larger upper arms than you would like…

3 years ago

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