
Milwaukee’s Other Beers: Pabst, Blatz, and Schlitz Breweries

Since the mid-1800s, Milwaukee has been synonymous with beer and breweries. Even Milwaukee's baseball team, the aptly named Brewers, play…

1 month ago

Brewer’s Yeast and Breastfeeding: Benefits and Safety

For centuries, people have turned to brewer's yeast, a single-cell fungus used in beer production, as a naturopathic medicine and…

2 months ago

Top 5 Beer Brewers in the United States

The top 5 beer breweries located in the United States, with the top beers from each company, purchasing information, and…

5 months ago

Beer is What Made Wisconsin Famous

Milwaukee's Miller, Pabst and Schlitz -- Laverne & Shirley's Shotz -- gave that city its renown. Madison, with its perennial…

3 years ago

A Guide to the Best Scottish Beer’s and the Famous Breweries of Scotland

Scotland has made beer in one form or another for 5,000 years. It can trace its brewing history back to…

4 years ago

Best Breweries of Southwest Michigan

The debate rages on amongst beer lovers: where can you find the best breweries in the United States? The sides…

4 years ago

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