Articles for tag: Bathroom Safety, Home Safety Tips

Tornado Home Safety Tips

Some of us live in places where a tornado or storm warming is a regular occurrence, especially during the late Spring and Summer months. In “Tornado Alley,” as the Midwest is often called, we’re raised with safety tips burned in our minds not just from the example of our parents, but also from disasters we ...

Home Safety: How to Make Your Stairs and Staircase Safer

Make your home stairs safer with these simple DIY tips and techniques. Home Safety: How to Make Your Stairs and Staircase Safer Carpet Stairway carpet can detract from home safety in more ways than one. Stairway carpet, more than any other carpet in your home, gets the most traffic when you have a busy family ...

Designing a Bathroom

  Many real estate agents will tell you that modernizing a kitchen or bathroom will add more value to your home than renovating any other room in the house. Before you begin, think about how much you want to spend and what realistic changes you can make in the space you have. If the sky ...

Karla News

Home Safety Tips for Seniors

Today so many more people are living longer and staying in their homes. We need to make sure their homes are safe and have the safety precautions in place that they require. There are lots of safety products available to make the seniors life at home more enjoyable and easier on them. It’s very easy ...

Karla News

Shabby Chic Bathroom Mirror DIY Project

Want to update a plain or boring bathroom mirror on a budget? Try this fun DIY project. Creating a Shabby Chic Bathroom Mirror is an easy project that can be accomplished in one weekend. To start this Shabby Chic Bathroom Mirror Paint Technique project you will need to spend at least one weekend, but maybe ...

Karla News

Weird January 2011 Holidays: Week 1

This month brings on the beginning of the new year. There are many unusual holidays and observances during January, and most of them center around the fact that this is the first month of the year. 1. New Years Day: On New Years Eve, the countdown begins. At midnight, fireworks fly, kisses are pecked, and ...

Karla News

DIY: Guide to Replacing a Bathroom Vanity

The process of DIY is that of blood, sweat and tears for us mere mortals, but for some it is a labor of love. I for one love DIY. While I must also profess to not being extremely great at it as my skills lie better in delegating tasks for others to do and design ...

Karla News

10 Bathroom Safety Tips

Dangers exist all around your home, and unless safety precautions are in place, you leave yourself, your family, and your guests in danger. Aside from the kitchen, the bathroom is one of the most dangerous rooms in your home. This list of bathroom safety tips should be read by all. Recognizing these dangers, and making ...

Karla News

Home Safety Tips for Seniors

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) states that nearly one million people over age 65 are treated in hospital emergency rooms for injuries associated with products they live with and use everyday. In addition, the death rate from unintentional injuries in the home is approximately three times greater for older people than for the ...