
Aristotle’s Poetics for Screenwriters, by Michael Tierno

People in Hollywood like to say that if Shakespeare were alive today, he'd be a screenwriter. But what about the…

4 weeks ago

Most Famous Quotes from Aristotle

The most famous Aristotle quotes have been passed down from ancient times and are still relevant today. Aristotle was one…

3 months ago

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Philosopher-King State

Philosophers should be kings. The polity is the perfect city-state because it governs for the good of the people. A…

7 months ago

The Role of the Politician as Thought by Aristotle and How it Applies Today in the United States of America

The Role of the Politician as Thought by Aristotle and How It Applies Today In the United States of America…

2 years ago

Trying to Understand Aristotle’s Ethical Views

An idea tossed around when discussing professional life is the consideration of the difficult choices made by those in this…

2 years ago

Comparing Plato and Aristotle

The differences of Aristotle's theory of the Soul and Plato's theory of the Soul are quite large. Aristotle was a…

3 years ago

A Comparison of the Philosophies of Plato and Aristotle

Certainly Plato (c. 428 BCE-c. 348 BCE) and Aristotle (384 BCE-322 BCE) have a great deal in common. They are…

3 years ago

Plato’s Republic Vs. Aristotle’s The Politics

Plato was the master, Aristotle the student who history recognizes as the heir to Plato's Philosopher King throne. Plato's Republic…

3 years ago

Aristotle’s Politics: a Summary of Book One, Part One

"Man is by nature a political animal." - Aristotle Laws of Nature In his work The Politics, Aristotle makes several…

4 years ago

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