Animal Rescues

Pet and Animal Rescue Groups in Georgia

These organizations are private, tax exempt organizations. Any adoption fees or donations are tax deductible. If you need to get…

3 years ago

How to Start Your Own Animal Rescue

Starting an animal rescue is by no means cheap or easy, it requires strong will, determination, dedication, a business brain…

3 years ago

Pet and Animal Rescues in Florida

These organizations are private, tax exempt organizations. Any adoption fees or donations are tax deductible. If you need to get…

3 years ago

My Thoughts on the Ellen DeGeneres Vs. Mutts and Moms Rescue Issue

Over the last twenty-four hours, there has been a lot of discussion about the Ellen DeGeneres dog story. I have…

3 years ago

Donkeys as Pets

General Information I must say out of all our pet animals, our donkey is one of my favorites. They have…

4 years ago

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