American Dental Association

Common Causes of a Toothache

When I was in my early 20s, I tended to avoid dental visits. I owned a toothbrush but used it…

3 months ago

Product Review: Ionic ProClean Toothbrush

The Ionic ProClean Toothbrush uses the principal of changing polarity of your tooth's enamel to make removing plaque easier while…

8 months ago

Cost Guide to Teeth Whitening Options: At-home or Professional?

The mirror didn't lie. They weren't yellow exactly, just not as white as they once were. In the world of…

3 years ago

Best Toothpaste for Children

Brushing your teeth everyday, twice a day is very important. This helps prevent plaque build-up, which causes you to get…

3 years ago

Tips to Help Sensitive Teeth

As an adult my teeth have always been very sensitive. Sometimes my teeth get so sensitive that my whole mouth…

3 years ago

The American Dental Association’s New Guidelines for Dental X-rays

In response to the recent column on the American Dental Association's (ADA's) new recommendations for fluoride use, Mr. Preshit Mulay,…

4 years ago

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