Alvin Ailey

The Successes and Failures of Alvin Ailey

Alvin Ailey Jr. was an African American modern dancer and choreographer and the founder of the Alvin Ailey American Dance…

4 weeks ago

Hip Hop Dance Classes in New York City

So you want to learn to dance Hip Hop like the music videos! If you live or work in New…

1 month ago

Careers for Graduates with a Degree Dance

Graduates with a degree in dance customarily receive their degree as part of a normal bachelor's degree program or as…

2 months ago

Dance Moves: A “New” Way to Exercise

I hate exercising. No, really, I do - I loathe it, in fact. I start out with the best of…

3 years ago

Maya Angelou, Fearless and Inspirational

Maya Angelou is a Poet, Author and Playwright who has written six moving autobiographies, and numerous books, plays and publications.…

3 years ago

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