Aleister Crowley

The Top 7 Album Covers of All Time: Nirvana, John Lennon, Pink Floyd

I am a sucker for album art. In fact, sometimes I will buy records based solely on whether or not…

1 month ago

Review: LUCID French Absinthe – Truly Absinthe, Truly Legal

Absinthe has been banned in the United States for the better part of the last century. The ban was due…

2 years ago

Rock and Roll: Illuminati Satanism?

Everyone has heard Christian parents forbid rock and roll music, saying that rock and roll is the devil's music. According…

2 years ago

Review of Moonchild by Aleister Crowley

First published in 1917, this book was written by Aleister Crowley, the man known in England as "The Great Beast"…

2 years ago

The Truth About Freemasonry and Masons

Members of the order of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons are generally referred to as "Freemasons" or simply as "Masons."…

3 years ago

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