
How Do Doctors Treat an Anal Abscess?

An anal abscess is an inflamed area of skin tissue that is filled with pus and dead skin cells. Often…

2 years ago

MRSA- How I Got MRSA from Our Cat

MRSA can be a life-threatening infection. It is resistant to most antibiotics. If left untreated, MRSA can spread to the…

2 years ago

What to Expect After a Failed Root Canal

Did you know when you get a root canal performed on your infected tooth, it's not always guaranteed to work?…

2 years ago

How I was Treated with a Bartholin’s Gland Abscess

When I was 30 years old I experienced the pain and swelling of an abscess of one of my Bartholin's…

3 years ago

How to Treat a Hoof Abscess at Home

A hoof abscess in horses can be caused by a number of things. Commonly, a hoof abscess is caused by…

3 years ago

The Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Feline Abscesses

Feline abscesses can be more serious than you might think. Infection can spread, causing severe pain, lameness, and-- if the…

3 years ago

Treatment of Abscesses May Not Require Antibiotics

There's no doubt that there are medical conditions where antibiotics are necessary. A life threatening bacterial infection needs immediate antibiotic…

3 years ago

Pain Relief for an Abscess Tooth

An Abscess tooth can be the most painful feeling that you have ever felt. This type of toothache is the…

3 years ago

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