Categories: Books

SUPER BOWL 47 – the Girl’s Guide to the BIG GAME


46% of television viewers who tuned into Super Bowl 46 were women (Nielsen Media). I remember learning about football when I was 20 years old. I didn’t grow up in a football household. I was dating a baseball player who was also a football fanatic. He took it upon himself to draw charts on napkins and line up condiment bottles to explain the game to me. Our relationship ended before I could learn everything about the game. I tried asking girlfriends. Most of my girlfriends know bits and pieces about football but not everything to really enjoy a game.

Fortunately, the new eBook “Super Bowl 47: The Girl’s Guide to the Big Game” is now available on amazon. It’s a fast 38 page primer with a wealth of information and fun tips to ensure those new to football have a blast during this year’s championship.

While looking at the previews on amazon, I noticed there was a mix of reviews on this book. For me, I had to read it for myself and be the judge. The book preview alone offered tons of information that saved me time in looking it up myself. If you want to get briefed on the initial 411, I highly recommend reading it.

What I like about this book is that it is a light and easy read. I can keep it handy for things that may happen that I want to look up right away during the game. It is set up where I can quickly find answers to understand what is going on. It will save me time disturbing other people around me with questions while they are enjoying the game.

This book contains timed information exclusively about this Super Bowl 47 being held at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana on February 3, 2013.

During previous Super Bowl parties, I have been the one laying back in the kitchen and popping in and out serving food. I have never had a chance to sit down and watch from start to finish with everyone else. I figured this year would be different. It will not take me long to breeze through the eBook and enjoy something more than just the commercials.

Gavin, my seven year old son, was looking at the book and he asked me, “Mom, why is this book just for girls?

“I can read this too”. He was right. The book is easy enough if you are teaching your kids about the game you can organize your thoughts on how you want to explain things to them. Gavin then decided to call his grandpa and fill him in before the game.

Go on over and take a look at the book preview on amazon at: and get ready to enjoy Super Bowl 47.


Karla News

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