Categories: Crafts & Hobbies

Something Blue Cameo Bridal Necklace

Cameo necklaces were extremely popular during the Victorian era. Traditionally carved from precious gems or conch shells, these necklaces were a fashion staple. Today, cameos are seen as a symbol of femininity and elegance, making them the perfect accessory to add to your wedding day attire.

For brides who believe in the tradition of wearing something blue, a blue cameo necklace is the perfect accessory to wear for a vintage inspired wedding. Creating your own beautiful, one-of-a-kind blue cameo necklace is very easy even if you do not possess expert jewelry making skills. To create a blue cameo necklace for your wedding you will need:


Cameo pendant (available at most craft or jewelry supply stores)
Silver colored jewelry wire
Wire cutters
Extra small blue beads
Small blue beads
Medium blue beads
Silver jewelry clasp
3 bowls or containers


1. Measure and cute three strips of jewelry wire that are long enough to fit comfortably around your neck. It is your choice if you want to make the necklace a choker or a have it hang loosely around your neck.

2. Slide the cameo pendant onto all three wires. Pull the wires taut so that the pendant falls to the exact center of the wires.

3. Pour the beads into the three containers to separate them by size. This will make it easy to distinguish the beads as you add them onto the jewelry wires.

4. Using the tweezers, thread the extra small beads onto the top wire. Add beads to both sides of the wire so that the pendant is still centered. Leave the last half inch of wire on each side free of beads and tie the wire into a knot.

5. Using the tweezers, thread the small beads onto the top wire. Add beads to both sides of the wire so that the pendant is still centered. Leave the last half inch of wire on each side free of beads and tie the wire into a knot.

6. Using the tweezers, thread the medium beads onto the top wire. Add beads to both sides of the wire so that the pendant is still centered. Leave the last half inch of wire on each side free of beads and tie the wire into a knot. The pendant should now be fixed in the center of all three wires and unable to shift.

7. Carefully tie the ends of all three wires on both sides into a knot so that they are connected. Twist the wire ends together so that they form one thick wire end on each side.

8. Thread the wire end on one of the necklace through the looped part of the necklace clap. Tie the wired end in a knot and cut off any excess wire.

9. Thread the wire end of the opposite side of the necklace through the clasp connector. The the wire end into a knot and cut off any excess wire.

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