Solve Basement Water Problems

I have been looking into basement water problems for years. I shutter every time I see heavy equipment in a persons yard. I think to myself, do they really have a serious problem and need this kind of equipment and money spent. People become more afraid then is needed, when it come to a wet basement. This problem is sometimes made worse by people looking to fix their problem. Lets just be honest here, times are tough right now and people need a honest evaluation of their basement water problems, not just a person trying to charge large amounts of money to fix water problems.

Years back it was so bad that the creation of third party consultants was created in Wisconsin and other parts of the country. I don’t know which is now more cost effective to use. You have the big name foundation guys in your area I am sure. We all have these companies that everyone has heard of. This does not always mean that they are the best or the most cost affective means of fixing a persons wet basement problems. Sometimes it just means that they have great sales people who can convince a person that if they don’t use them, their basement is going to fail and create large problems for them. Watch out for these types of sales tactics. It is a scare tactic to get the people to sign on the line and pay big bucks to fix it. I really don’t see why people trust these types of sales people but, they do. I have seen people discard the honest smaller guy with the better fix, for the high priced company padding their pockets.

I find it just that frustrating to see people get taken advantage of. It is happening all the time. People react on fear. If I can offer anything to help, it is this. Take your time when looking into basement water problems. Ask your friends and other associates if they have had problems and what they did or who they hired. Don’t just call the guy who has biggest name and the most ads on TV. This just means they have lots of money for their advertiising budget. I am not saying that eveyone on TV is not the ones to hire, I am telling you to really talk to people before you take any action. It is a emotoinal time for people when their belongings are getting wrecked and creating disorder in their life.

What people need to do to help basement water problems is take a look at their gutter system. Thats right the gutter system that is plugged up not only creates ice damming but allows water to down the foundation and into the basement. Clean gutters is a key to a dry basement. People don’t see it this way, but it does lead to the bulk of basement water problems. The Gutter Care II gutter protection system is one way to ensure that your gutters stay free flowing. The South Eastern area of Wisconsin or greater Milwaukee area is serviced by the Fix-It Bros. as they have the authorized dealership in that area for the Gutter Care II System. It is a foam product insert type of product. Don’t get it confused with the look alike stuff at the big box hardware store. Also don’t let a sales person tell you that you have to tear off your good gutters to use their system or put some lid which requires them to lift your shingles up. This can cause the shingles to fail or break when they put it in, especailly if you have a older roof on your house.

Well thats enough on gutters. We need to take a look at downspouts . Sorry, I said no more about gutters. Downspouts need to be extended at least 4-8 ft. away from the house. It is very important that these downspouts are free from debris and get the water away from the foundation. This leads to alot of basement problems for people. Again, another area people don’t look to fix their wet basement problems. People need to look at areas where water can come in contact with the house. The more water that stays close to the house the more water can get to the basement.

One last, but important thing is the grade must slope away from the house creating what is called a positive pitch away from the basement. This will help water to run away from the foundation of the house. This can be done by adding a brown soil blend . The use of just black top soil will not keep a positive grade for very long as it will settle to quickly. Using a weed barrier and adding stones or wood chips can also help to keep water away in the area, and help to keep the soil in place.

These small changes can make the world of difference to stopping a basement water problem. They also cost no where near as much as calling in one the big foundation, water sealant companies out to seal your outer basement walls. It is nothing for a home owner to pay 5-10K per wall to have foundation walls fixed. I can think of alot of other things to do with this money then give it away. Please try some of the other cheaper fixs before taking out a home loan to fix your home.


Karla News

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